PEDSAC in maritime flags

Port Elizabeth Deep Sea Angling Club

the Conservation Minded Club

Read more about us here...


Tuna Classic 2025


Please direct all restaurant bookings to the restaurant (067 065 8862) and not to the PEDSAC office.

The purpose of this Public Notice from the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment is to alert recreational anglers (and suppliers) of the prohibited use of motorised equipment for recreational angling. This includes drones and remotely operated devices and/or vehicles (including motorised electric reels).

In terms of the Regulations, "angling" means recreational fishing by manually operating a rod, reel and line or one or more separate lines to which no more than ten hooks are attached per line.

The Department intends to rigorously enforce the Regulations that govern recreational angling and ensure offenders are prosecuted and sentences accordingly. The Department will also seize the various illegal devices used and upon any successful conviction will seek an order from the court to have these devices forfeited to the state.

Download the Public Notice of 24 February 2022.

Please take note of the following prohibited fish species:

Basking shark Cetorhinus maximus
Brindle bass Epinephelus lanceolatus
Coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae
Great white shark Carcharodon carcharias
Hammerhead shark Sphyrna spp.
Natal wrasse Anchichoerops natalensis
Pipefish & seahorses Family Syngnathidae
Potato bass Epinephelus tukula
Sawfishes Family Pristidae
Seventy-four Polysteganus undulosus
Whale shark Rhincodon typus
Wreckfish Polyprion spp.

Reference: Recreational Fishing Brochure 2017-18, Prohibited Fish Species List.

Fish Species Closed Seasons

Reference: Recreational Fishing Brochure 2017-18, Recreational Angling items 9 to 12.

The tables on the right hand side of the upstairs glass area have been allocated for member bookings only. Bookings not fulfilled by 12h00, or 18h00 will however be re-allocated on a first come, first served basis. Should there be no member bookings made, the tables will be allocated to other patrons waiting for a table.

Download documentation

See all ships anchored in the bay or passing PE. View Map...


This year's competition will be run from the 3rd to the 5th April 2024.


View EPDSAA Tournaments page.

View SADSAA Tournaments Calendar / Rules.

Please contact Denise van der Merwe at the office if you require more information on any of the above.

Marine Radio

Please be aware of the way forward regarding the implementation of the new Coastal Radio Infrastructure and Marine VHF radio apparatus.

Black Steenbras (Poenskop)

Black Steenbras, Poenskop or Cracker (Cymatoceps nasutus) is a fish of legends and at some point every angler who has wet his line in salt water has dreamt of catching a big one...

Member Photos

Submit any angling related photos you would like to share to the Club Administrator for publishing.